Nursery Activity Set-up Challenge

Kellie, Nursery Manager at Raised in Bristol at Docklands Community Centre recently challenged her team to come up with some creative activity set-ups for the children to enjoy, inviting the team and families to vote for their favourite activity set-up via social media. You can join in with the competition by casting your vote by commenting with the activity number for your favourite in the comments here.

It's an everyday practice that our Raised in Bristol nursery teams create themed activities for the children to participate in throughout the nursery day – these may be themed around specific cultural events, the children's specific interests and reflect the early years curriculum and are designed to engage and help the children to learn different skills through their play. Read on to learn about the ideas behind each set-up!

  1. Rainbow Fish Colour Mixing Activity

This colour mixing activity was designed by the Educator based on the children’s interest in sea life! The activity challenged the children to use their fine motor skills using the syringes to collect coloured water and deposit it into the rainbow fish’s scales. It encouraged conversation about the sea and creatures who live in it, then also the added curiosity of ‘what happened if’ they mixed different colours… In early years education, the process is an important part of learning. Educators ask open-ended questions that encourage the children's exploration and discovery.

2. African Tiny World 

This African tiny world tuff tray activity was designed by the Educator to explore African culture and to encourage discussions on different cultures and diversity. This representation connects each of us to the world in which we live—bringing that into the nursery to spark the children’s imagination. 

3. ‘You’re Fabulous As You Are’ Hair 

This activity was designed by the Educator to support children to use and develop their fine motor skills and their pincher grip by threading the piece of wool through the holes to give the faces hair. It also encouraged the children to recognise their similarities and differences in a positive and encouraging way.

4. Outdoor Colour-mixing

This set-up was designed by the educator to incorporate colours in the outdoor environment. Giving the children an opportunity to mix and create new colours, building on communications and linking with the world and environment around them in which they live.

5. Carwash

This educator noticed the children’s interest in cars and transport so designed this activity to extend their play and interest by creating their very own car wash. In doing so, sparked the children’s imaginations through the resources and encouraged all the children to join in this fun activity!

6. Colours and Shapes of Spring

This activity was designed by the educator to explore the joys of Spring. They discussed the weather, seasons and animals, teaching the children about what happens in the environment around them at this wonderful time of the year.

7. Sensory Seaside Memories

This sea-themed sensory activity was designed by the educator to explore the idea of the seaside and the memories attached to it. The children were encouraged to share and find out about each other's lives and fond family memories of this magical place.

8. Necklace Making Factory

This activity was designed by the educator to help the children work on their hand-eye coordination as well as helping them to extend their focus for longer periods. The children have recently been enjoying dressing up so this was another way to build on this interest and engage them further.

9. Builders Yard

This activity was designed by the educator using a range of resources to encourage both the children’s fine and gross motor skills as well as piquing their curiosity through exploring the different materials provided. Through their inquiries, the children developed their language about the activity, with the educator guiding them in widening their vocabulary. As the children built and constructed together, they also got the opportunity to develop their teamwork and social interaction.

10. The Five Senses

This activity was designed by the educator for the children to engage all of their senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch… This is linked to social aspects, inviting the children to share their ideas and experiences.

We currently have some nursery places available at this nursery for Toddlers and Preschoolers. If you’d like to come and see the nursery for yourself and enquire about a nursery place for your child – fill out an enquiry form here and our friendly admissions team will get in touch to book you in for a tour.


Happy National Apprenticeship Week 2025!