Fees & Funding

We appreciate that nursery fees and funding can be pretty mind-boggling and there's a lot of important info to make sense of. We’ll aim to demystify some of this and be as transparent as possible about the costs you can expect (and how to maximise your funding and tax-free entitlements) when sending your little ones to nursery.

At Raised In nurseries, we accept all Government childcare funding entitlements for children aged 9 months to 5 years, as well as welcoming families who are not eligible for funding. Our nurseries are open all year round, for 51 weeks of the year, but funding eligibility is calculated based on term-time-only nurseries (open for 38 weeks of the year). As a result, we ‘stretch’ funding over the 51 weeks of the year that we’re open, entitling eligible families to 12 hours of funded childcare per week and up to 24 if your child is aged 3+. From September 2025, 24 hours of funding per week will be extended to eligible children in working families from 9 months to 5 years. 

However, the elephant in the room is that whilst the roll-out of extended childcare funding to a wider range of ages for eligible working families is great news, it sadly doesn’t mean everyone can access completely free childcare… This is because funding is designed to cover the basic cost of delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage. It doesn't cover meals, drinks, snacks, trips and any other educational resources, materials, enrichment programmes or activities. 

We recognise that nursery fees can be a large outgoing for families. This is why we do all we can to keep our costs down, with fees for additional hours on top of any funded hours for children in receipt of funding calculated on a sliding scale – meaning the more hours you need, the lower your hourly cost is. 

Visit the Government’s Childcare Choices website for more info and to check your eligibility here.

Bookable Nursery Sessions

Full Day Sessions

1 pm–6 pm (10 hours)

Half Day Sessions

8 am–6 pm | 8 am–1 pm (5 hours)

Full day sessions include lunch and tea and in a half-day session your child will have lunch in the morning or tea in the afternoon. We also provide healthy snacks and drinks during the day. Find out more about our food here.

What funding is available?

Fully funded places

We offer some fully funded places at zero cost to families for children in receipt of the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP). These places are limited and subject to availability.

Government Funded Hours for Eligible Working Families

Eligible working families can access funding for childcare for children aged 9 months – 5 years at our nurseries.  This can be claimed from the term after the child turns 9 months old. 

Under Two (nine months old) Funding for Eligible Working Families: 12 hours per week

Two year old Funding for Eligible Working Families: 12 hours per week

Eligible Two year old Funding for Low-Income Families: 12 hours per week

You’ll need to contact Bristol City Council directly here about these places as they determine the eligibility criteria and then will refer eligible families to us. 

Universal Funding for all Three year olds: 12 hours per week

You’ll receive this term after your child’s third birthday until they leave nursery. All families are automatically eligible for this funding but to claim this.

Three year old Extended Funding for Eligible Working Families: 24 hours per week 

Working parents of three, four and five-year-old children can apply for an additional 12 hours per week at Raised In (24 hours total which includes the Universal Funding listed above for children 3+).

Weekly costs with funding applied

*Please note that we have a minimum requirement of 20 hours per week

Funding available from September

From September, children in eligible working families from 9 months-5 years will be eligible for up to 24 hours (30 hours at term-time-only nurseries) of funding from the term after they turn 9 months. 

We remain committed to accepting all government funding entitlements for children from 9 months old when this expands in September. We’re currently reviewing our fee structure to ensure that this can provide the maximum benefit possible to parents, while ensuring that Raised In remains sustainable for our families and community partners and will provide more information in due course. We remain committed to only increasing our fees once per year, and any change will not lead to families paying more than they will from April 2025.

How to access the funding available

To apply for Government Funding you need to check your eligibility and get a funding code from the government's Childcare Choices website. We recommend doing this ASAP. To claim funding you’ll need to complete an EYR01 form at the beginning of each term, and return this to the Admissions team. We’ll remind you each term to complete your form, but it is your responsibility to do so.

Visit the Government’s Childcare Choices website for more info and to check your eligibility here.

Tax Free Childcare

Many working families will need additional care above and beyond the funded entitlements. Tax Free Childcare effectively gives you a 20% discount on your nursery costs, as the government tops up every £8 you pay in with an additional £2, up to the value of £2,000 per child per year (or £4,000 for disabled children). Most nurseries, including Raised In, accept payment for any fees via your Tax Free Childcare account. Head to the Government website here for a step-by-step guide on how to apply for this here.

What do we mean when we say ‘term’ or ‘terms’?

Funding eligibility is calculated based on terms defined by Bristol City Council. These are the same as school terms. When your child is old enough to get funding, you’ll be able to claim from the term after their birthday in the applicable funding age bracket. 

We have provided these terms below:

Autumn Term - September, October, November, December
Spring Term - January, February, March
Summer Term - April, May, June, July, August

For example, if your child turns 9 months old in October, if eligible you will be able to claim funding from the following January in line with the next term. 

Standard Fees

These are our standard fees if you aren’t eligible for any of the government funding entitlements listed above. 

Babies (6 – 24 months)

Full Day 8 am-6 pm £111
Half day 8 am–1 pm/ 1 pm–6 pm £55.50

Toddlers (24–36 months) 

Full Day 8 am-6 pm £96
Half day 8 am–1 pm/ 1 pm–6 pm £48

Preschool (36 months +) 

Full Day 8 am-6 pm £85
Half day 8 am–1 pm/ 1 pm–6 pm £42.50

Please see our Admissions Policy and our FAQs for more info.


Find out what funding you may be eligible for on the Childcare Choices website.